1/31/06 From God The Father - The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Thus says The Lord God of Israel, The God of Abraham, The God of Isaac, The God of Jacob, The God of All: I AM THE I AM, The Only God; I am The All in All, Maker of all that is Heaven and Earth; I AM. And nothing in all creation exists apart from Me, for even all things have come into being by My voice. For I am YaHuWaH, He who causes to be; even I am He, YahuShua, by whom all things consist.
Yet you, O unholy church of men, have polluted My name, you have departed from The Way, and you have desecrated the Holy Covenant! Behold, you have altogether despised My Word and My Law! For you do always pick the scab and refuse the ointment, a people covered with sores; thus you shall receive of the curse in full! Says The Lord God. Yes, according to your works so shall you receive recompense in full, until you are utterly consumed!
Therefore hear The Word of The Lord, for thus says The Lord, yes I, The Only Lord of Hosts: The word of My mouth speaks, and so it comes to pass; I think, and so it is and shall be; and behold, I curse, and it is cursed. For I cast down the wicked and cause the lofty to fall! I throw down the strongholds of the rebellious and break apart every false foundation! For I AM HE who has punished great kings and brought plagues upon their people; I AM HE who has cast down the mighty and destroyed whole nations! Behold, I abase the pride of the pagan and punish the wickedness of the heathen with death; I break the idols in pieces and cause the graven image to fall on its face! For I am a Great King, says The Lord, and My name is to be feared among the nations!
Yet I am not without mercy, for My promises stand and My Holy Covenant endures forever. Therefore, when one comes to Me in the name of The Son, in sincerity and truth, they are forgiven, even forever and ever. Amen. For I said, “Let there be a Lamb without spot or blemish, sacrificed for the atonement of sin”, and so it was; and “Let The Lamb be The Son of God, The Holy One of Israel, in whom all the nations of the earth shall be blessed”, and so it is forever and ever!... Sing, “HalleluYah!” Let My people cry out, “God is with us!”
Yet you have not sung, nor have I heard you cry out in the name of The Holy One of Israel, nor have you given thanks in His holy name! YOU REFUSE TO DRINK FROM MY CUP! Instead you pollute it, you defile it, as you pour it upon the ground; coming before Me in the name of those who went before you, of whom you have not known, offering up supplications in the name of the dead; having altogether become as the pagan and the heathen, as those who worshiped the queen of heaven; teaching as doctrine abomination, laying one transgression upon another throughout your generations!... Shall I not then require it at your hand?!
And yet your pomp reaches higher than the mountains, and your false piety extends to the ends of the earth! WOE TO YOU! Woe to your sons and daughters! Woe to every disciple who follows you and drinks from the cups of your fornications, taking part in your abominations! WOE TO ALL PEOPLE, WHO HIDE IN THE BOSOM OF THE PRINCE OF DARKNESS!
Thus says The Lord God, who is and was and is to come, The Almighty: As I have spoken, so shall I speak; as I am, so shall I be. Therefore, hear the word of My mouth and give heed to My speech, and turn from this evil way you uphold, lest I come upon you suddenly and tear you in pieces! Says The Lord. For among you are wicked men who, like fowlers, lie in wait and set traps, that they might catch men; behold, with practiced speech and a lying tongue they ensnare them, that they might go into captivity together!... As a cage full of detestable birds, so are all your houses of worship, O unholy church of men!
Behold, your leaders have grown fat with deceit,
Truth has perished among them;
It has altogether been cut off from their mouth!...
For your seers swear falsely, and your leaders do not cease
From speaking blasphemies with a practiced and lying tongue;
And your appointed kings and bishops rule by their own authority,
And oh how your people love to have it so...
Yet what will you do in the end?
Thus says The Lord God, whose throne is set high above the heavens, The Creator of Heaven and Earth: As I have spoken, so shall I speak; as I am, so shall I be. Therefore, hear The word of My mouth and give heed to My speech, and turn from this wicked way you have chosen, lest I come upon you suddenly and tear you in pieces, says The Lord. For The Lord God hates abomination, yet vines of wickedness have sprung up, reaching to the ends of the earth! For the fruit of the people is corrupt, their bounty wickedness, producing only rebellion against The Lord!
Yet you, O church of harlots, are worse still! For with what can I compare you? And who are you like?... You are a whole congregation of sly and deceitful snakes, a vicious den of vipers from which a great hissing has come forth against The Lord and His anointed; a den of thieves, who cease not from robbing Me; captive children, whose fathers persecuted and murdered those sent to them! Throughout your generations you have been murderers, from the beginning you were scoundrels; even to this day you persecute My messengers, and stone those sent to you in word and by deed, that you might continue to poison your own people! Behold, your heresies have no end! SHALL I NOT PUNISH YOU FOR THESE THINGS?! SHALL I NOT AVENGE MYSELF UPON A CHURCH, SUCH AS THIS?!
Yet you say, “We are sovereign, we are set apart from the nations and sit as queen, we set the times and declare the seasons. See, we have given birth to many kings, and have grown rich beyond measure. Thus our princes shall reign supreme.”
Therefore, thus declares The Sovereign Lord who reigns from Heaven: Because you have not shut your mouth from speaking blasphemies, and have not drawn back your hand from all your abominations, to both practice them and to teach them; and because you have endeavored to change The Commandments of The Lord, even to set yourselves up as the standard, declaring your own glory before men; AND BECAUSE YOU HAVE POLLUTED THE HOLY COVENANT BY YOUR EVERY WORD AND DEED, so also shall I open My mouth against you, so also shall I stretch out My hand against you, until you are utterly consumed! Declares The Lord... Therefore, take up a lamentation on the desolate heights; bring forth a bitter weeping in all the earth! FOR THE LORD HAS REJECTED AND FORSAKEN THE GENERATION OF HIS WRATH!
O unholy church of men, I take no pleasure in you; you are an abhorrence to Me! Your faith is dead, and the fruit of your doings brings forth death! Says The Lord. For you do not give heed to My words, nor do you obey My Commandments; My every statute you have torn asunder! You do always reject My Word; from My ways you are far removed!... Behold, you have taken it upon yourselves to change MY Word and MY Commandments, teaching as law the doctrines and traditions of men, which I hate, to the continual blaspheming of My Spirit! How long shall I suffer you?! I can not endure all this iniquity! You are perverse, a church overflowing with iniquity, harlotries beyond measure! Your offerings are not accepted! All your supplications are rejected! Behold, they are a foul stench in My nostrils, a rancid taste in My mouth! Therefore you must be purged; I must vomit you out!
O unholy church of men, mother of all fornications,
How long shall you tempt The Lord your God?!...
How long shall you bring before Me defiled offerings,
Making supplications in the name of the dead?!
How long shall you deceive yourselves, as you continue
To place your hope in those who have fallen asleep?!...
For I tell you the truth, even by all you say and do, do you cause your people to sin;
Even to crucify their Savior, again and again, in their hearts!
For the people come to you, to you and your appointed “fathers”, seeking forgiveness, which I said you shall not do! Your appointed fathers are guilty; they remain in their sins! Nor can praying in the name of Mary, using vain repetition, save you; which I said you shall not do!... THE SONS OF MEN CAN NOT FORGIVE SINS! MARY IS NOT THE WAY!
Mary was My beloved servant and vessel, who also was in need of redemption by Him who created her and through whom she was made. Mary sleeps, she is dead, and her sepulcher remains with you to this day. Is she assured of life in the Kingdom? She is. Because though she bore The Victory she humbled herself before Him, knowing in herself that The Son she bore first bore her; being both her Son and her Father, her Lord and her God from Heaven; also being her brother, both being children of David and of God in the earthly places.
I tell you the truth, all have sinned, all have fallen short of glory; there is none righteous, no, not one. Shall you then pray to the vessel, or to The Maker who formed it? And shall you hold the handmaiden of The Lord in high regard, and make for yourselves graven images, though I said this you shall not do?... Therefore I tell you plainly, by your own hands you have transgressed The Commandment, and by your own fingers you have sinned against The Lord your God! YEA, BY ALL YOUR DOINGS, YOU HAVE SURELY FORSAKEN AND BETRAYED THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD! Behold, even your consciences are defiled, and upon your knees you commit idolatry without ceasing!
Did Mary suffer for your iniquities?
Did Mary bear your sins on the tree? Was Mary crucified for you?
Was Mary raised from the dead, and by her life do you now live?
Can anyone, in need of redemption, redeem another?!...
Only He, who is completely blameless, may redeem those who have fallen!...
Therefore, if one commits themselves to a faith which is dead,
Then with the dead they must sleep;
Having denied The Truth and The Life sent to them,
Crucified and raised...
The Lord Your Righteousness, The Only Way.
Therefore, thus says The Lord God, The Holy One of Israel: Stop worshiping the dead! Worship Me by Him who alone is holy, being altogether as The Father, the very same as God! For before the foundation of the world I AM, with The Christ forever seated at My right hand; The Father and The Son are One! By Him do all things consist, and through Him all was made, even all these worlds!
HYPOCRITES! WOE TO YOU! Woe to you, who testify falsely on My behalf! Woe to you, who teach as doctrine the commandments of men! Woe to you, who pervert the way of The Lord among the people and profane My holy things! I DO NOT KNOW YOU, NOR DO YOU HAVE ANY PART WITH ME AT ALL!...
For the way of The Lord is set apart and holy, My Law is holy; and My Commandments, holy, just and good! Says The Lord.
Thus says The Lord, whose way is in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of His feet: O unholy church of adulteries, you speak as though you know Me, yet you do not know Me; you have forsaken Me! For you are an estranged woman, who knows not that she is accursed! For the musings of your heart have been evil from your beginnings; from your very foundation your wickedness has not ceased!...
Therefore, I will indeed draw near to you for judgment, I will indeed stretch out My hand against you for recompense, and you shall be torn in pieces!
For you have robbed Me, says The Lord, and have not ceased from perverting My way amongst the people! BEHOLD, YOU CONTINUE TO POLLUTE MY NAME IN ALL THE EARTH, EVEN TO THIS DAY!...
Therefore, turn! Says The Lord. Turn aside from this wicked way you uphold, from this evil path you have chosen, and return to Me! Turn aside, and now follow The Shepherd in spirit and in truth, and I also shall return to you! Hear His voice, and obey the word of His mouth; heed His every commandment! Turn not to the right hand, nor to the left, but walk in His ways!
Beloved children, I say this once again, so you may be saved: Come out! Come out from among them and be separate, says The Lord; and no more touch what is unclean, and I will receive you! Cast away the commandments of men, and obey not the word of your forefathers! Turn away from the counsel of your appointed bishops and kings, and shut your ears to the words of your priests and false fathers! Fully shun the ways of your founders, for their every doctrine rests upon the sands of abomination; all their ways are corrupt! And no more give reverence to your “holy see”, for this is most contemptible in My sight!...
Break free from all this insolence before The Lord, and I may yet have mercy upon you.
Beloved children, there is but One Way...
YahuShua HaMashiach,
Yes, He who is called Jesus The Christ,
He is The Only Way!...
Therefore, follow close behind Him, in His very footsteps,
And you shall surely live and not die...
Says The Lord, whose dominion is everlasting
And whose authority is absolute,
The Only Lord God of Hosts, The I AM.
From The Letter:
To the Church Who Dwells in the Midst Of
and Sits Upon Seven Hills

5/14/05 From The Lord, Our God and Savior - A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Thus says The Lord: Beware, O peoples of the church called mother! For she is a harlot, a false way, a deceitful house filled with both great and subtle deceptions. Be wary, rouse yourselves from this heavy sleep, and look upon the fruit of your doings. For you have been greatly misled, caught up in a faith which is dead; there is no life in it! For as it was written by My servant, so in like manner I now plead with you, “Depart from the way of evil, from the man who speaks perverse things, from those who leave the paths of uprightness to walk in the ways of darkness, who rejoice in doing evil and delight in the perversity of the pagan, whose ways are crooked and who are devious in their paths. Be delivered from the adulterous woman, from the seductress who flatters with her words, who forsakes the husband of her youth and forgets the covenant of her God. For her house is sinking down to death, and all her paths lead to the dead.”
Therefore thus says The Lord God, The Holy One of Israel, to all who have ears to hear: This unholy church of men is a harlot; from the beginning she has been a whore! Yet she would have all believe she is a queen, even the true church and mother! Indeed, she has bore many sons and daughters, daughters who yet bear her likeness; and many sons who shall go to perdition, false fathers and priests, who by their own authority take to themselves proselytes, who they then make twice as fit for destruction as themselves!...
Behold, deception is hidden within deception, as she continues to build up her sins toward Heaven!
For I tell you a mystery, filled with corruption, abuse of power and contemptible ways: This church of men is like the woman who rides the beast; she is clothed with purple and scarlet, enticing the people to commit fornication with her. Yet to her own, she is a queen who sits upon My throne and has taken to herself My authority, perverting My Word and changing My Commandments, as she appoints kings and princes in her own name, each with names of blasphemy upon their heads, so-called holy fathers who shall go into perdition with her. And yet to those against her, she is the beast... Yet I tell you the truth, all are deceived. For her power and authority come from the beast, which atop she sits. For she has many names of blasphemy, and all her works are an abomination before The Lord; she is indeed a harlot, and her adulteries are many.
Behold, she is also like the great whore who sits upon many waters, who has corrupted the earth with her fornications! And like the false prophet she spews perverse and bitter doctrine, leading many into false worship; even to the committing of fornication with the pagan and the heathen by all her filthy traditions! And like the beast, she has shed the blood of My servants throughout her generations, and has not ceased from opening her mouth to speak great things and blasphemies with a practiced and lying tongue, by which she has deceived many!
Therefore, I must take My people out of her!
Behold, I shall snatch them from her very breast!...
For she is also like Babylon, adorning herself
With gold and precious stones and pearls,
Having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations
And the filthiness of her fornications!
Thus says The Lord to the deceptive harlot, to the mother of all fornications: Woe, I say to you; even three times, woe! For the atheist shall have it far better than you, when the wrath of the great and dreadful God has come! For when they seek forgiveness, they shall surely find it... Yet woe to you, who blaspheme the Spirit! From you forgiveness has fled away! Behold, destruction waits for you as you continue to tread the wide path! For you believe yourself to be a glorious vine, yet your roots are full of rottenness, a vine of deceit, with many tendrils spreading forth abomination! Behold, you see yourself as a sovereign nation, as the mother church, universal; and yet you willingly go into captivity, and hold fast in your rebellion!
Therefore, I shall make you a desolation and an astonishment, an object of horror and hissing; I shall strip you bare!... And behold, you shall become an island, a most desolate place amidst the nations! No more shall anyone draw near to you, nor shall any attempt to pass through, for all shall keep their distance for fear of your punishment! Every traveler shall go round about, horrified at the smoke of your burning!
For thus says The Lord: I have set you apart for judgment! I have separated you out for death, for sorrow and for famine, until the fire of My wrath consumes you! For you have caused My beloved to depart from Me, you have turned them aside from The Way, you have caused them to trust in fables and to put their hope in lies and false visions, in worthless things; The Truth is not in you, and from The Life you are far removed!...
You have pierced My heart with a hot iron! You have battered and bruised Me and torn My flesh! My sadness fills the heavens like the unending blackness, My tears cover the earth like the oceans, because of you! My anger wells up within Me like a raging fire, on account of all these you have persecuted and murdered throughout your generations! Indeed the cup of My indignation overflows, on account of all you have done and are about to do! Says The Lord. And still I sent to you many in My own name, that you might be saved from yourself; yet you rejected them all, beating some and killing others, casting them out in your pompous rage!...
You will not turn, and so The Father has declared your end.
For I have prepared a great fire, and behold it is already kindled,
And you, along with all who cleave to you, shall surely be cast into it!...
9/9/09 From The Lord, Our God and Savior - The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Behold, the mother and harlot went forth...
Yes, she played the harlot and Reveled in her fornications with the heathen; She married among the pagans, And lied down with them in her wickedness...
And behold, she gave birth by her father, And brought forth many daughters...
For she has altogether forsaken Me! Says The Lord. She has refused The Spirit of Truth! For she sets her own way before her, and will not listen to counsel. She has become a queen by treason and has seated herself upon the throne, and in her authority she takes much pleasure as she deceives the people...
Behold, like the jackals of the wilderness, which tear the flesh and drag away the carcass, so has she torn the heart of this people! They are far removed! For they are made to dwell in the darkness with her, as they lie down with the dead. Behold, even as the sow devours without reservation, wallowing in its own filth, taking much pleasure in all its uncleanness, so in like manner does she. Yet the sow knows its place, and acts according to the manner in which it was created. Yet it is not so among the churches of men and all the daughters of adoption thereof. Even among the rebellious, who proclaim they are set apart from the mother, even they have become as those which they abhor; lo, they are daughters also, though they say, “We are not daughters”...
Daughters they remain. Thus the mother and harlot shall be torn in pieces! Her flesh shall be eaten and she shall be burned with fire! Says The Lord God. And all her daughters, yes, all you churches of men, you also shall be broken! Even a great purging shall come forth from within the midst of you!...
Behold, you shall be made clean, you shall be stripped naked and made clean in the Day of Preparation."
Excerpt from:
Churches of Men, Hear The Word of The Lord
One Truth, One Church, One Body... No Walls
3/29/06 From God The Father - A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"O church of adulteries, how We mourn for you...
You have been judged, and shall be left utterly desolate in the Day of The Lord’s wrath. You say you speak for Me, and have Christ’s authority. You have trampled upon the grave of The Resurrected One, making His sacrifice of non-effect!...
Woe to those who blaspheme the Spirit! Your whoredoms are piled to Heaven! Every Law you have broken!...
Even to this day, do you embrace all the sins I hate! In all you do, do you crucify The Son of Salvation, again and again!...
Denying His name by all your deeds, you call mighty and true...
O unholy church of men, mother of all fornications and lies, Your destruction comes nigh!...
You have become Egypt!...
Let My people go!
Stop desecrating My Sabbaths, cease from your heresies, hold your tongue from your blasphemies!... And repent!... And I may yet have mercy upon you. Saturday is the seventh day and the Shabbat (Sabbath), which I have ordained from the beginning!
The Holy One comes quickly, and will take from you His own...
He shall snatch them from your very breast...
NO MORE shall My children receive nourishment from you!...
NO MORE shall they sit in your deceptions!
The light is taken from you!...
You are left alone, estranged by your false doctrines. Your fate lies with him who is coming, who shall lead many into perdition and death. You shall bear him a son, a man who bears the number of his name, his prophet. You will not be alone when desolations come...
You and your enemy, Ishmael, shall be destroyed, along with the father who bore you both, the father of lies. And so shall it be done... Even so, amen."
Excerpt from:
7/8/05 From The Lord, Our God and Savior - A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Thus says The Lord, to those who dwell in the churches of men: O peoples of little faith, you are deceived, led astray by the churches, continually turned aside from the way, by those who have appointed themselves to feed My flock. The doctrine of the churches is corrupt, born of men and the harlot. Yes, she has deceived you, O churches of men, and in her ways you walk still. Throughout her generations she has deceived the people, in her lust for power she has oppressed them, causing multitudes to embrace the crooked path...
She is a harlot, her ways antichrist, and yet you follow her!Behold, by her own power and authority, of which she appointed to herself, she changed My Commandments! Yet you nod your head in agreement, O churches of men! Yes, you obey her teachings as you forsake My Sabbaths, upholding many of the same corrupt doctrines and filthy traditions which I hate!...
Therefore, O churches of men, your discipline shall be most severe; your abasement, very terrible! And you, O church of harlots, shall be stripped naked and brought to ruin! Behold, you shall be cut in pieces and left utterly desolate, to the astonishment of all people! FOR I DO NOT CHANGE! Says The Lord."
Excerpt from:
All Shall Reap That Which They Have Sown, Be It of Good or Evil
10/5/05 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, A Letter Given to Timothy - For the Seventh Day Adventist Church and the Catholic Church, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"I remind you, O churches, and command you, O church of harlots (the Catholic Church), you shall not have any graven image; nor worship any image, nor man, nor woman!...Worship The Father, only, through The Son!"
Excerpt from:Churches of Men, You Were To Be the Embodiment of Christ...
3/19/05 From God The Father - A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Worship not any idol, nor thing made by the hands of men, nor any man or woman...Worship The Father and Son only. Worship not statues or things made of gold, nor men or women called saints, for they are servants of The Most High and are asleep in death. What help are they to the living? Would you ask permission of the servant, to abide in the Master’s house?... Call directly on The Master, in The Heir’s name, and it shall be given you. Even the mother of The Heir has no power, nor ears to hear, for she does not receive prayer, but also prayed as you should pray. She was only a beloved vessel of God. It is the one, called evil and lying, that wishes such things, for he lays a snare shrouded in beauty and glory... It is a mirage. Worship God. Be not distracted, or separated from God, by vain things, though they seem like truth and beauty. Follow only what is written by God and spoken by His Begotten.
Repent, and be cleansed from your iniquities...
Repent, and I shall cast them away from you."
Excerpt from:
Purify Your Faith, and Come to The Father as It Is Written
4/25/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior - For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Churches of men, look on all you have done! You are trapped, ensnared by all your harlotries, which you have in common with your estranged mother, the catholic church... Satan shall devour you together!"
Excerpt from:
Sick, Diseased Churches... Foolish Children
12/16/05 From The Lord, Our God and Savior - The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear (Regarding the modern holidays of men)
"Know you not, that you have all become as the pagan and the heathen, by which all your holidays have their origins? Abomination! This world has seduced you, and the harlot has led you into temptation by her false witness!... Behold! She shall be left utterly desolate and naked! Her flesh shall be eaten and consumed by fire! She shall be destroyed under judgment! Crushed beneath the feet of The Holy One of Israel! Broken because of her iniquities!... And put to death because of her denial of the Truth, which she had replaced with the many cups of her fornications!... Thus she shall surely drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation!"
Excerpt from:
/28/07 From The Lord, Our God and Savior - The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Cast away these false doctrines, stop committing fornication with the harlot. For your mother has forsaken you and serves your enemy, even satan... She shall be left utterly desolate! Repent therefore, and come out of her! Says The Lord. Take not one of her doctrines to yourself."
10/7/04 From The Lord, Our God and Savior - The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For He and His Wife, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Know you not, that to imitate The Messiah is righteousness?! My people, you were to walk in His ways! Yet you, who call of yourselves Christian, have made of Him a mockery! Thus you have brought shame upon yourselves! How long shall you cleave to the harlot?! How long shall you walk in her ways?!... My people, come out of her, and touch no more the unclean thing! For I tell you the truth, to replace Christ, or to associate His name with sin, is to partake in that which is called antichrist! And to honor The Messiah with pagan customs and filthy traditions is to take the name of The Lord in vain!... DESECRATION!"
Worship with Gratitude His Birth,
and Give Thanks for His Death and Resurrection
10/7/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior - The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"For your ways and your teachings do always contradict sound doctrine. Indeed, your doctrines and traditions profane My holy name, as you further defile yourselves through your acceptance of pagan practices and myths, which have been passed down to you by your forefathers; men who were corrupters and given to corruption, false servants who committed adultery with the pagans, and did not wholly separate themselves from the many harlotries of the Catholic Church!... I tell you the truth, she shall be torn in pieces!
And yet all you churches of men remain like her, teaching always as doctrine the commandments of men, which has altogether turned you from the truth!"
Excerpt from:
I Am Calling You Out!... Come Out of the Churches of Men
and I Will Receive You! Says The Lord
7/28/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior - A Letter Given to Timothy, For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"For I have turned My back to the churches of men and removed My hand from their members... Lo, My spirit has departed from them. Therefore, you also shall not touch the unclean thing. You shall not welcome them in by any means, nor shall you listen to any word they speak. You shall accept nothing from their hands, for My face is set hard against them... Against their walls, against their speech, against their leaders... Yes, even against their members. For they are all daughters with one mother."
Excerpt from:
Let the Passionate Walk Uprightly before Me,
and Let the Lukewarm Depart; Yet Let Not
One of You Fight against Me Any Longer, Says The Lord