10/24/04 From The Lord, Our God and Savior - The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For Timothy, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
When those people, being called of themselves Christian, ask you, “To which church do you belong?”, you shall answer them, “I belong to no church named of men. I belong to The Lord, YahuShua HaMashiach, whom you call Jesus and Christ. And together with all those who are His is The Church in which I dwell.”
Belong to the Church Without Walls
2/15/07 From The Lord, Our God and Savior - The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For The United Church of God, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"This you must remember, that you may be humbled in your service toward Me: No church, named of men, is the True Church - Not one. Rather each member individually, in whom Christ dwells, abiding wholly in Him and also walking in His ways, make up the True Church of His body... No walls, only Spirit and Truth."
Excerpt from:
To the Church at The Lord’s Right Hand,
1/26/07 From God The Father and Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ - A Letter Given to Timothy, For a Sister in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
"Come to Me, and dwell in My sheep pen, and dwell no longer in the world’s or the churches... I am the Church. There are no walls preventing you from seeing Me as I am. I am all around you and in you... You are in My body. My church is not made with human hands... It stands forever by the power of God’s Spirit, which is in Me and I am. All those, who love Me with their whole hearts and drink of My blood and eat of My flesh, are the True Church, which is of Me and in Me. No church of men, made by human hands, shall endure... Only the church of My body shall endure. For it is built upon the Rock of the Everlasting Covenant, which is in Me, and I am in The Father... The Chief Cornerstone of which all things have life and are built. Trust not in man’s doctrine. It is built upon the shifting sands of religion and tradition."
Excerpt from:
Receive The Lord’s Blessing
One Truth, One Church, One Body... No Walls
One Truth, One Church, One Body... No Walls
9/6/05 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior - The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Question asked by Timothy: What of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, and their claim to be the true church and remnant?
[The Lord answered] Read My Letters to the seven churches, in the book called Revelation, and there you will find them, says The Lord.Again I say to you, My church has no walls, and is called by no other name except the name The Father has given Me. Its members are of one mind and one spirit, of one love... One flock with one Shepherd, a people set apart who keep The Commandments of The Father and remain faithful to The Son, striving always to walk in My ways. For those who truly know Me dwell in Me, and I in them; for they are Mine, even as I am theirs also... My body, My bride.
Therefore, woe to any church of men who claims to be the true church and remnant; woe, I say to them! For they have placed themselves in the seat of The Father, and therefore remain under God’s judgment! For none live by that which they claim to know, as they continue to teach others hypocrisy by their example, in MY name!
No one can come to Me,
Unless The Father who sent Me draws them to Me;
And only those, who accept Me as I truly am, are of My body,
For The Truth resides within them and is revealed by their works...
And yes, even these stumble in their walk, for they are but flesh,
Yet I am He who searches the hearts and minds, I know My own;
I know whose love is steadfast, whose faith is unmoving...
And this is the true church My people long for,The remnant which now is, and is yet to come...
For it is not found outwardly in the world,
But inwardly, in the temple of God...
I am The Lord.
Excerpt from:
I am The Church;
Its walls, its pews, its pulpit, its altar,
Its very foundation...
When sitting in My church, you can behold Heaven;
There is no ceiling to keep you from enlightenment.
And if I am your sanctuary,
Your four walls of faith,
Your resting place of worship,
The Word and The Spirit,
The Stone upon which all must be broken,
The Very Cornerstone of Life...
Then Heaven is open before the eyes of all
Who dwell in Me and become My body...
Says The Lord.
The True Church